Friday, January 23, 2009

#2 - Schipple Schapple and Other Delirious Things

Arrival in the Netherlands! After a half hour bus ride, a six hour flight, a half hour wait, and a two hour bus ride, we have all finally arrived here at the Castle. I literally have not slept in 28 hours, and am about to face-plant in my keyboard, but I'm trying to plow through until the end aka avoid most if not all of the jet-lag I can but MAN, is it difficult to keep my eyes open right now. I can hardly type this entry. LIFE WITHOUT SLEEP IS AWFUL. My brain goes limp (yes, limp), and my jaw hangs open and I just do not have the strength to keep my lower mandible where it belongs.

The Castle, though, glorifies all descriptions of itself. The grounds are fantastic, the Castle is marvelous, my room is awesome, and though it still doesn't feel real, I'm starting to get really excited about living here. I'll take some pictures when it's not as stormy/windy/rainy outside, and post them with a hopefully more detailed and coherent entry.

Yeah or something like that.

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